MSD Animal Health (maker of Bravecto) is asking veterinary surgeons to get involved in the Big Flea Project, described as the UK’s largest piece of academic research into fleas, their prevalence, and the diseases they carry.

The study, which is being carried out in partnership with the University of Bristol, will analyse flea samples submitted by vet practices from across the country.

Practices interested in participating can request flea collection packs by contacting their MSD representative, or by sending an email to

Participating practices will receive support materials, including flea combs and things to display in waiting rooms.

The campaign follows the success of the Big Tick Project launched in 2015, which examined over 6,000 tick samples in the UK contributing to the largest-ever study of ticks on dogs and cats in Britain.

Daniel Guerrero, Product Manager at MSD Animal Health said: "After receiving such groundbreaking results from the Big Tick Project, we wanted to continue to revolutionise the way that common parasites such as ticks and fleas are understood and treated by both pet owners and vets.

"Fleas are the most important parasite for pet owners and the main source of irritation in pets. Despite this, fleas are still seen as a common nuisance, and not often dealt with effectively. By better understanding what diseases fleas are carrying in the UK, we will be able to better explain the impact of fleas and how to eradicate them through professional advice and treatment from their local vet."

The Big Flea Project will be open to flea pack submissions from 1st of April – 1st of June 2018, with findings of the research published in 2019.

To request your flea collection pack and practice materials, contact

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