Vetoquinol UK has launched Marbocyl Solo – a one shot treatment for Bovine Respiratory Disease.

Marbocyl Solo is a 100mg/ml solution of marbofloxacin given as one injection IM at 8mg/kg. It treats sick animals fast, killing bacteria in one go, therefore minimising lung damage and consequential morbidity. This fast action reduces the risk of the spread of infection. On top of that, Marbocyl Solo has a meat withdrawal of only 3 days (milk 3 days).

“Marbocyl is a well proven antibacterial that is extensively used in cattle practice,” explains Alvin Cerely, Marbocyl’s product manager. “Marbocyl Solo is exceptionally well placed for applying ‘concentration killing’ or a‘strike action’ strategy as opposed to a ‘long action’ strategy used by other antibiotics. Marbocyl Solo is available as a separate presentation to Marbocyl 10% to avoid confusion, particularly with farmers, on different dosage regimes and withdrawal periods.”

Marbocyl Solo is available now and details have been mailed to all cattle vets in the UK and Ireland. Please contact your Vetoquinol representative or telephone 0800 169 8197 for more details.

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