Vetstream has updated the content on its Vetlexicon website so it is now available in a number of different languages.

Dr Mark Johnston, CEO of Vetstream said: “The usage data of Vetlexicon has continually shown us how important the client factsheets are to practices helping clients understand the health and welfare of their animals.

"Whilst most of our subscribers are accepting of the Vetlexicon content in English, the preferred language of many pet owners is not necessarily English, and we wanted to help practices with that.

"So a major new dimension to the new Vetlexicon website is to enable the content to be made available in many European and Asian languages so that when you are viewing a client factsheet, you can instantly see that content in Spanish, French or Korean and then print it out on paper and give to the owners for them to share with friends or family on their return to home; or to print it as a PDF and email it to them.

"Practices have told us that this will be so useful for the relationship with their clients, and so it is great to be able to provide that now.”

The company says it has also improved the interface and functionality of the site and made it mobile phone friendly.

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