A report published by the Environmental, Food and Rural Affairs committee this week has concluded that The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 is in need of updating. However, lack of available budget in the current Comprehensive Spending Review period means that further work on a White Paper won't happen till 2011 at the earliest.

In particular, the report found consensus within the profession that the disciplinary procedure is in urgent need of updating. However, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons does not have majority support for its proposals on compulsory practice standards and compulsory continuing professional development.

The report crticised the RCVS for not having done enough to provide a clear picture of its proposals for a new statutory framework for the regulation of the profession.

However, an RCVS spokesman said: "In fact, we have invested considerable time and resources in the development of proposals, led by a working party that included stakeholders. However, we have been awaiting further input from Defra before taking matters further."

Chairman of the Committee the Rt Hon Michael Jack said: "We urge the profession to coalesce round some specific proposals to amend the disciplinary process for veterinary professionals. We believe that a working party should be set up between Defra, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and the British Veterinary Association to produce a new Bill for introduction in 2009."

Responding to the publication of the report, BVA President Nick Blayney said: "While we will certainly consider EFRACom’s proposal that BVA work with Defra and RCVS to produce a draft bill, the BVA is a voluntary association and our focus is the benefit of our members. Given that we are not even persuaded of the need for a new Act, it is likely that our contribution will be advisory and not financial."

Click here for the full report

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