The Animal Protection Agency (APA) has announced the results of a straw poll it conducted of London Vet Show delegates to discover the level of support for 'positive' or approved lists of exotic species in the UK.

Positive lists are evidence-based regulations that permit the sale and keeping of only those species that are suitable to keep in the home, and that do not pose a disproportionate risk to people or the environment. All other species are prohibited from keeping or may only be kept with a special permit (by those who can demonstrate that they have specialist facilities or expertise).

The results of the poll were 512 in favour, and, er, one against.

The APA says it was delighted at the enthusiastic response from the veterinary community. APA Director, Elaine Toland said: "We are grateful to all those delegates who took part in the poll and offered their valuable insight. Throughout the two days, exotic animal vets and nurses in particular aired their frustrations about the poor state of animals that frequently present at their clinics, where even the most basic husbandry standards are not met. Some described the positive list proposition as a no-brainer".

The Animal Protection Agency is working as part of Eurogroup for Animals alongside Animal Advocacy and Protection (AAP) in the Netherlands and OneKind in Scotland to develop and galvanise support for positive lists as a means of reducing the large-scale animal suffering that is currently part and parcel of the exotic pet industry. 

In order to raise awareness and encourage discussion within the veterinary profession about positive lists, APA is organising a seminar for veterinary surgeons and nurses: Positively shaping the future of pet-keeping, taking place in London during 2018 (date and venue to be confirmed).

To register interest in the seminar or to join the mailing list for more information and updates, email: with PostiveList4Pets in the subject line.

The seminar will count as 5 CPD hours and certificates of attendance will be issued.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.