This compares with 38% in 2016 and just 25% in 2012.
The survey found that on average, students are having to make up an annual shortfall of £2000 per annum, and those in the mid and later years of study are more likely to have a part-time job than those in the earlier years.
Significant numbers of students are now also reporting mental health problems: 68% report feeling overwhelmed, 52% experiencing anxiety and 35% reporting depression, with 78% citing their studies as the cause, 57% the lack of free time and 44% financial worries.
As part of the survey, students were asked which area they saw themselves working in after graduation.
Overall, 85% said they intend to go into clinical practice (increasing from 79% in the 1st year to 90% in the final year).
When they think about their first job, 43% said the graduate support offering and 28% the type of practice are the most important considerations.
When it comes to extra-mural studies (EMS), the survey found hands-on experience is the top priority for vet students when choosing their placements and cost is the biggest barrier (37%).
Katie Roberts, AVS President, said: "I’m really pleased that we’ve got an up-to-date overview of the thoughts, concerns and aspirations of our membership population. Our new comprehensive data set on the mental health and welfare concerns of our students is concerning, as are the number of students facing financial concerns during their degree. However, such shocking findings will provide us with really strong, quantitative support when we work to tackle these issues over the coming months."
BVA President, Daniella Dos Santos said: “This survey is a really important snapshot of veterinary student life today. High levels of mental health concerns and funding gaps continue to be a significant worry and it’s essential that both the vet schools and the wider veterinary community provide as much support as possible. We’ll be sharing the results with the vet schools to help them help their students.
"The increasing pressure to work part-time to makes ends meet is a stark reminder that a vet degree can be really expensive. This isn’t only a concern for current vet students who are facing financial hardship but it’s also a significant barrier to widening participation to students from non-traditional backgrounds. It’s an issue that BVA is working on with AVS, RCVS and the Vet Schools Council."
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