The BSAVA and the Small Animal Medicine Society (SAMSoc) have released an updated PROTECT ME poster with more antibiotic use recommendations.

The poster was put together by a team of 55 specialists and general practitioners led by Fergus Allerton.

It includes an outline of the new European Medicines Agency advice on categorising antibiotics, a new section on wounds and surgical site infections, updated advice on life-threatening infections and identifying/treating sepsis, and more advice for owners.

Fergus said: “The latest iteration of the PROTECT ME poster incorporates updated information and offers recommendations to support vets to optimise their antibiotic use.

"I hope this will be a valuable resource for vets in practice.”

The new posters will be distributed with Companion in December.

Free printable posters are available from:

Printed copies can be purchased from the BSAVA store:

BSAVA members are also able to request free printed copies.

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