Three new learning aids launched by BVA: 

Practical Animal Handling - Online Tutorial
The BVA AWF have launched an online tutorial on practical animal handling which has been prepared in conjunction with Newcastle University. The tutorial is primarily aimed at veterinary students and nurses. It features videos of expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small animals for clinical examination and medication and its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the welfare of the animal.  To access the online tutorial visit

Disbudding of Kid Goats
The Goat Veterinary Society (GVS) has produced a DVD designed to help veterinary surgeons to disbud goats. Produced in association with the BVA Animal Welfare Foundation the DVD is in memory of the late Mike Teale MRCVS, following a donation from his family. The DVD discusses the potential problems associated with disbudding kid goats and provides guidance on how to avoid them. It shows the best technique for disbudding from start to finish and discusses anatomical considerations, methods of anaesthesia and analgesia and disbudding, with particular attention drawn to the regulatory aspects as they currently apply in the UK. For further information on the GVS DVD, including obtaining a copy, at a cost of £10, please visit

Bat Care Guidelines - a Guide to Bat Care for Rehabilitators
The Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) has produced Bat Care Guidelines, in association with the BVA AWF, RSPCA and RCVS Trust, aimed at veterinary professionals, wildlife hospitals and new rehabilitators. The document is split into basic sections including 'health and safety', 'rescue and collection' and 'ailments and treatments' which aim to provide minimum guidelines for bat care.  The new initiative is part of an ongoing partnership focusing on the rehabilitation of wild bats in the UK.  Visit for further information

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.