Animalcare has released the results of a survey in which 60% of respondents said a lack of time / staffing levels were the main barriers to setting up senior pet clinics. 

The survey was carried out to get an insight into how practices are currently helping clients ensure that their pets continue to enjoy life during their later years.

152 people took part: 60% nurses, 26% vets and 5% practice managers. 

Less than 3 in 10 practices run senior pet clinics, and they mostly run them infrequently (biannually or less).

Three quarters of respondents also said that clients don't see the benefits of attending a senior pet clinic regularly. 

It seems the current situation, then, is that few practices are providing a service that, er, apparently not many owners want. 

Yet few in the profession would argue that a preventative approach is essential in order to give pets the best chance of leading healthier lives for longer. 

To that end, Animalcare has produced some time-saving materials to help more practices run senior pet clinics, such as health check materials, handouts on age-related conditions and generic short articles for use in practice newsletters, which can be downloaded at:

However, the problem is that these things alone cannot solve the underlying problem of a shortage of time. 

The only way to solve that one is probably to find more inventive, efficient ways to engage with the owners of older pets in a way that minimise the time pressures on veterinary practice staff. 

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