THE Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons (SPVS) has thanked the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for its vision in moving to a new modular system of further education, which from this autumn, will be the only recognised route for practitioners.

SPVS via its Masters and Doctors group (MDG) is now in talks with the Professional Development Foundation (PDF) to deliver the new modular Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP) and the CertAVP (VetGP) qualifications. CertAVP is the only general practitioner’s certificate recognised by the RCVS and is quality assured by the University of Middlesex.

Information will be available soon on a road show that will provide all practitioners with the information they need to plan for this exciting development in CPD delivery. SPVS will also soon be launching a programme to enable every practising vet to structure their CPD so that they attain modules for use in building generic or specific CertAVPs or to attain the full CertAVP (VetGP) certificate.


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