The RSPCA has released the latest figures showing the extent of cruelty to animals in the UK.  

In 2007, they show a:

  • 34% increase in convictions for cruelty to dogs (1,197 in 2007)
  • 15% increase in convictions for cruelty to cats (277 in 2007)
  • 12% increase in RSPCA cruelty investigations (137,245 in 2007) and a
  • 26% increase in banning orders1 issued by the courts (861 in 2007).

"These animals are the helpless victims of our affluent, throwaway society," says Tim Wass, Chief Officer of the RSPCA Inspectorate.  "They're bought on a whim and discarded when the novelty wears off.  Today's must-have item quickly turns into tomorrow's cast-off.

"Worse still," added Tim, "some animals are violently abused because they don't meet their owners' unrealistic expectations: like the cat kicked to death for having muddy paws or the dog strangled with its lead for misbehaving."

But the year RSPCA reports that there has been good news too, with the success of the new Animal Welfare Act already starting to take effect.  The new Act - which came into force during 2007 - has made it possible to take action sooner than ever before in situations where there are animal welfare concerns.

The Act is already producing powerful results in its first twelve months.  Where animal welfare concerns have prompted the RSPCA to give advice to an animal owner, that advice was followed and the problems resolved 92% of the time, meaning that no further action was necessary.   Tim said: "Even in these early days, the benefits of the new law are clear. Without the new Act, this year's cruelty figures could have been even more horrific."

He added: "Dogs have always borne the brunt of cruelty - from violent outbursts to extreme neglect.  But that's what makes this year's horrendous 34% increase even more shocking: it's a massive increase on an already high figure."

It was hoped that last year's leap in convictions for cruelty to horses was an anomaly.  But this year's figures show that the higher numbers have been maintained - they increased by 33% between 2005 and 2006 - and then increased by a further 13% to 119 in 2007.

The rise in banning orders is a big improvement on the previous year, which had actually recorded a fall.  The new Animal Welfare Act obliges courts to explain their reasons if they don't impose a ban and this may have contributed to the increase.  The new requirement seems to have focussed attention on preventative action which can prevent suffering and save lives.

Tim said: "The main reason we take people to court is to prevent cruelty being repeated. It's very reassuring to see the courts taking this seriously by issuing more and more banning orders, which prevent those convicted of cruelty from keeping animals in future."

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