The British Small Animal Veterinary Association has opened registration for next year's BSAVA / WSAVA / FECAVA Congress, offering the added incentive of some high value prizes for booking early.

Every month between now and December, everyone registered for the event will be entered into a draw. So if you book now, that gives you five chances to win:

  • Free registration for you and your friends/colleagues for Congress 2013 (up to a value of £1000)
  • The entire BSAVA manual library for you or your practice - including the latest titles from Congress 2012. Worth over £3000. Kindly sponsored by Willows Veterinary Centre and Referral Service
  • Laptop computer to help you stay connected on the move and do more in less time

In addition, booking early qualifies you for the Early Bird discount, and means you should secure any Masterclass and social tickets you might want.

You don't have to do anything other than register - either for yourself or for your practice - every person who pays for a registration between now and 29th December will go into the draw.

Peter Renwick, Partner, Willows Veterinary Centre said: "Given our involvement in professional development we are proud to sponsor one of the Big Booking Bonanza prizes - a complete set of the latest BSAVA Manuals that make a great addition to any interested small animal practitioner's bookshelf."

The BSAVA says that tor this WSAVA/FECAVA/BSAVA Congress there is a really broad and fascinating programme for 2012, with more for vets and nurses, plus a brilliantly expanded management programme and a new registration option for practice managers.

Visit for full details and terms and conditions.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.