The British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons has announced it is to hold a second march in protest against the recent RCVS position statement on complementary and alternative medicines.

The RCVS statement, which can be read in full here, highlighted the fact that there is no body of evidence that homeopathy is effective and nor is it based on sound scientific principles. It should therefore be considered as complementary rather than alternative to treatments which are based on sound scientific principles, or for which there is a recognised evidence base.

In fact, the RCVS statement said nothing new. The principle that veterinary surgeons must first prescribe licensed medicines tested for safety and efficacy is enshrined in the Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013, which say that if there is no veterinary medicine authorised in the United Kingdom for a condition in a particular species the veterinary surgeon responsible for the animal may treat with a veterinary medicine authorised for use in another animal species or for another condition in the same species, or, failing that, either a medicine authorised in the UK for human use, or a veterinary medicine authorised in another member state for use with any animal species in accordance with the Special Import Scheme, or a specially prepared (extemporaneous preparation or special) medicine, or exceptionally a medicine imported from outside the EU.

There are no homeopathic treatments listed by the VMD as 'authorised', just a handful of homeopathic preparations listed as 'registered', something which, as the BAHVS itself points out, means they have not been subjected to the same evaluation as authorised medicines or tested for efficacy.

The BAHVS is fond of using anecdote as evidence of efficacy (see the endorsements at the foot of this page:, so one veterinary surgeon has been inviting colleagues to share their experiences of homeopathy causing harm on social media, in order to produce an infographic (pictured above right, click to enlarge) highlighting the very real harm caused when, for example, owners 'vaccinate' against parvo with homeopathic nosodes, only to have a dead litter on their hands. 

The draft infographic can be found here.

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