The International Elbow Working Group has announced a pre-congress meeting at WSAVA in August. The meeting is sponsored by Hills Pet Nutrition and is being held on Wednesday 20th August at University College Dublin.

The meeting offers the opportunity to hear some of the most influential researchers in the field.

The speakers include Professors Hazewinkel and Hedhammar who were responsible for the seminal work that identified that high calcium high energy diets could increase the propensity to developmental bone disease. Professor Hedhammar will be delivering a presentation on the genetics of elbow dysplasia and the implications for breeding programmes, while Professor Hazewinkel will be discussing diagnosis.

Representing the UK, Dr Noel Fitzpatrick will discuss the decision making algorithm for conservative and surgical treatment of elbow dysplasia, incorporating the latest thinking on how to manage the disease. Other topics being presented on the day will be imaging techniques by Professor Van Bree and grading of osteoarthritic lesions by Dr. Tellhelm.

The group has invited practitioners and researchers to submit posters and free communications on the topic of elbow dysplasia for presentation up until 20th July. The congress fee is 80 euros which includes lunch and refreshments. Further details and a registration form can be downloaded at

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