September marks ‘Pet Smile Month’, and Royal Canin is amongst several companies offering participating practices a great way to build dental sales and reinforce key health messages.

During the month, a quarter of a million Doggy Bags and Kitty Packs, including samples of Royal Canin dental diets will be given away. A money off voucher appears on the front of the bags, which can be redeemed there and then against Royal Canin dental products from the clinic.

Gill Furniss, Royal Canin veterinary marketing director, says: “We decided that by enabling customers to redeem the money-off vouchers before they even leave the clinic with their gift bags was the best way to ensure that vets get the benefit of these sales – no chance of pet owners taking the bag home and losing the voucher! ‘Pet Smile Month’ is a great way for veterinarians to get across the message about good oral care, and an opportunity to help owners keep their pets’ mouths healthy for life.”

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