Animalcare is launching a series of webinars for vets about oral homecare, to help you make practical recommendations to clients about caring for their pets' teeth.

The first webinar Does Ease of Use Have to Come at the Expense of Efficacy? is presented by Claire Harrison BSc (Hons) RVN VTS (Dentistry) AFHEA, Dentistry Nurse at the Hospital for Small Animals at the Royal ‘Dick’ School of Veterinary Studies.

Claire will consider the best practice of daily toothbrushing for oral homecare and explore what practices can do to contextualise care for the many owners who struggle to achieve this goal.

Animalcare highlights research which shows that the number of pet owners who brush their pet’s teeth daily is very small: one study in Sweden suggested that only 8% of dog owners and 4% of cat owners met this target¹. 

Senior Brand Manager Eleanor Workman Wright said: “With periodontal disease so common in dogs and cats, supporting owners to maintain an oral health regime for their pet is essential. 

"Daily toothbrushing remains best practice but many owners are just not able to do this, so it is important to suggest effective alternatives in order to protect their pet’s oral health.

“During this webinar series dental experts will explore a range of approaches which can be used with owners & pets throughout the different stages of their pets’ lives, either as an alternative to toothbrushing, or as part of a programme to build up to toothbrushing.”

To register, visit:

Further webinars in the oral homecare series will be delivered in January 2023.


  1. Swedish study: Dog Owners’ Perspectives on Canine Dental Health—A Questionnaire Study in Sweden Karolina Brunius Enlund;  Front. Vet. Sci. 7:298. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00298

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