Horiba UK has launched over 30 new pathogen PCR tests for its Pockit Central in-house veterinary PCR analyser.

Pockit Central is a benchtop analyser which completes tests in 85 minutes.

The new PCR tests include: Lyme disease, Dirofilaria immitis, Neospora caninum, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mec A gene for MRSA, IBR and C. difficile. The system has tests tailored to small animal, equine and farm practice, with specialist assays also available for poultry and aquaculture.

The new additions extend the capabilities of the Pockit to more than 190 assays, testing up to 8 pathogens in one run. Horiba says the Pockit is so easy to set up that a laboratory can be up and running within 30 minutes with staff training provided.

Horiba has also published its recent veterinary CPD webinar in which the value of in-house PCR analysis for pathogen screening is discussed with the Head of ESCCAP (European Scientific Council for Companion Animal Parasites) UK & Ireland, in conjunction with the importance of screening imported dogs: The webinar is available to watch on-demand at: https://www.horiba.com/en_en/veterinary/support/webinars/

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