HT Vista has had a paper published in Frontiers of Veterinary Science which it says validates the use of its thermal imaging and AI device for accurate screening of dermal and subcutaneous masses1.

The HT Vista device measures heat transfer rate differences between masses and adjacent normal tissues and then processes that data using machine learning algorithms to classify the masses.

The study evaluated a diverse canine population of 299 dogs with 525 cutaneous and subcutaneous masses.

In the study, the device correctly classified 45 out of 53 malignant masses and 253 out of 378 benign masses (sensitivity = 85% and specificity = 67%).

The negative predictive value of the system (i.e., percent of benign masses identified as benign) was 97%.

This study concluded that the data supports the use of the HT Vista device "as a screening tool and decision support tool for the everyday diagnosis of dermal and subcutaneous masses in general practice, enabling clinicians to differentiate between benign lesions and those requiring additional diagnostics".

Liron Levy-Hirsch, Managing Director of HT Vista’s UK subsidiary said: “We are thrilled to have scientific research validating the success of the HT Vista device.

"The veterinary teams who have already adopted the device into their practice are having great success with it, and with the backing of this newly published paper we hope to reach more practices and ultimately save more dog’s lives.” / 


  1. Dank G, Buber T, Rice A, Kraicer N, Hanael E, Shasha T, Aviram G, Yehudayoff A and Kent MS (2023) Training and validation of a novel non-invasive imaging system for ruling out malignancy in canine subcutaneous and cutaneous masses using machine learning in 664 masses. Front. Vet. Sci. 10:1164438. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1164438 

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