A new study from the Royal Veterinary College has identified the breeds of dog most at risk of cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture, along with other risk factors.

Led by the RVC’s VetCompass Programme, the study included 1,000 CCL rupture cases and a random selection of 500,000 other dogs without CCL injury.

The research found that the breeds at most risk of CCL rupture, compared with crossbreeds, were Rottweiler (x 3.66 times risk), Bichon Frise (x 2.09), West Highland White Terrier (x 1.80) and Golden Retriever (x 1.69).

Conversely, the breeds with the lowest risk were Cockapoo (x 0.26), Chihuahua (x 0.31), Shih-tzu (x 0.41) and German Shepherd Dog (x 0.43).

Additional findings included:

  • The average age at first diagnosis of CCL rupture was 7.4 years, showing CCL rupture as mainly a disease of middle aged and older dogs.
  • Dogs aged 6 to < 9 years had the greatest risk (x 3.24) of CCL rupture diagnosis compared with dogs < 3 years.
  • Neutered females (x 1.46) and neutered males (x 1.42) were more likely to be diagnosed than entire females.
  • Dogs weighing more than 30kg (x 2.19) and insured (x 2.79) were most likely to have surgery.
  • Dogs over 12 years (x 0.26) and with a comorbidity (x 0.38) were least likely to have surgery.

The study also showed that insured dogs and dogs weighing over 20 kg were more likely to receive surgical management, while dogs older than 9 years and those with another major clinical problem at the time of diagnosis with CCL rupture were less likely to receive surgical management.

Camilla Pegram, VetCompass PhD student at the RVC and lead author of the paper, said: “This study has used the power of “big data” to robustly address the risk factors for cruciate ligament rupture diagnosis and management in dogs.

"The factors affecting the decision to surgically or non-surgically treat dogs with cruciate rupture are now clearer, with future work underway to address the clinical outcomes of this decision.”

Dr Dan O’Neill, Associate Professor in Companion Animal Epidemiology at the RVC and co-author of the paper, said: “After centuries of reshaping by mankind, dogs now come in over 800 distinct and recognisable breeds that each has its own unique pattern of health and disease.

"This new study helps owners of breeds such as Rottweiler, Bichon Frise and West Highland White Terrier to understand that sudden lameness in a hindleg could indicate a ruptured cruciate ligament that needs urgent veterinary care.”

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