Vets: Stay, Go, Diversify (VSGD) is hosting a 2-day event to inspire veterinary surgeons about their next career move, and open doors between veterinary organisations, businesses and people, in London next weekend (28th – 29th April 2018).

Taking place at Code Node, VSGD Live will bring together 300 veterinary professionals, offering TED-style talks, Q&A sessions, small group workshops, panel discussions, a VSGD art gallery, awards, and time for networking.

On day one, the event will explore the options open to veterinary surgeons, with talks from those who've stayed in practice, left the profession or diversified their career paths.

There to share their experiences will be Julie Ross (From the clinic to consultancy), Niall Connell (Discovering life after ill health retirement), James Greenwood (Presenter, vet, potter), Jade Statt (Starting Streetvet), Greg Dickens & Guen Bradbury (Work to innovate), Chris Tufnell (Advocating for the profession in practice), Rob Petitt (Mind over matter and surgery), Kimberly Wells (Talk is cheap action is priceless lessons from welfare and Cal Major (Paddling against plastic). 

On day two, there will be small group workshops and panel discussions to help you build the confidence and knowledge to move into a new career path or gain a new skill. Subjects include:

  • Working out what you want: Vet Your Life!

  • Stop selling yourself short: CV clinic

  • Taking an idea to business

  • Practice makes perfect: Starting a veterinary business

  • Becoming a portfolio professional or a part-time pro

  • Working in science and communications

  • Careers in education

  • Carving out a charitable career

  • Beyond veterinary: working in the civil service

  • Locumming: be the independent professional

Lunch on both days is included, as well as drinks and nibbles on Saturday night. 

All ticket holders will also receive a follow up e-book with top tips, videos and advice from the inaugural VSGD LIVE! event.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.