The videos, by BCF in-house vet Ben Sullivan BVSc MRCVS (pictured right), give a step-by-step guide for each of the measurements covered (LA:Ao ratio, EPSS and EF), to enable viewers to get more from their ultrasound equipment.
Ben said: "At BCF we’re always striving to produce educational resources to help our customers make the most of their imaging equipment, and welcome suggestions from all quarters. In recent months we’ve received a large number of requests for help performing basic 2D echocardiographic measurements. In response to those requests we produced this short video series providing a 'how-to' guide for three of the most common measurements encountered in practice."
The videos were filmed using a Vivid iq, the latest cardiac ultrasound scanner from GE.
Ben added: "We hope you find them useful, and welcome suggestions for other topics you’d like to see covered. Please don’t hesitate to visit our website – – to access the cardiac measurement videos along with a wide range of other learning materials. We have also recently introduced free monthly webinars. The recorded webinars are also available to view at"
To watch the cardiac measurement videos, visit:
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