Animalcare, the distributor of Daxocox, has launched canine osteoarthritis ‘Lunch and Learn’ CPD for vets and RVNs.

The company says the sessions will help veterinary staff learn more about the condition - which affects up to 20% of dogs in the UK annually1 - the causes and consequences of osteoarthritis pain, the main predisposing risk factors and the impact of chronic pain on central sensitisation.

The CPD will look at what steps practices can take to mitigate animal suffering and increase long-term owner compliance and will encourage practices to look at their current osteoarthritis management strategy. 

Kai Crawshaw, Brand Manager at Animalcare, said: "Canine osteoarthritis is a growing concern for UK vets – latest figures suggest that over two million dogs are suffering, based on current population figures.

"Managing these cases can be challenging, but through this lunch and learn session, we aim to support veterinary staff and help them to expand their knowledge and implement an improved approach for managing canine osteoarthritis.’ 


  1. Anderson, K.L., O’Neill, D.G., Brodbelt, D.C., et al, 2018. Prevalence, duration and risk factors for appendicular osteoarthritis in a UK dog population under primary veterinary care. Scientific reports, 8(1), pp.1-12.

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