Boehringer Ingelheim has launched 'Love Your Dog's Heart', a campaign designed to help veterinary practices communicate important messages about canine heart disease to clients. 

At the heart of the campaign is a website - - where dog owners can learn more about mitral valve disease and dilated cardiomyopathy, find out which breeds are most at risk and read more about the diagnosis and management of canine heart disease. 

Boehringer has also created a Facebook page - - offering regular updates on heart health and a platform for owners to share their stories. Owners can also use the ‘Love Your Dog’s Heart’ Facebook profile frame to help spread awareness of the disease.

The aim of the campaign is to get pet owners thinking about mitral valve disease and having it treated whilst it is still in the asymptomatic phase, in order to slow the disease progression and delay the onset of heart failure1.

Vetmedin practices can access additional ‘Love Your Dog’s Heart’ campaign materials via the Boehringer Ingelheim Resource Hub at


  1. Boswood, A., et al. (2016). "Effect of Pimobendan in Dogs with Preclinical Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease and Cardiomegaly: The EPIC Study-A Randomized Clinical Trial." J Vet Intern Med 30(6): 1765-1779.

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