MSD Animal Health has announced the launch of the "Time for Change" Preventative Healthcare Challenge, designed to place preventative healthcare at the heart of practices’ daily activities. MSD Animal Health has announced the launch of the "Time for Change" Preventative Healthcare Challenge, designed to place preventative healthcare at the heart of practices’ daily activities. 

The company says the challenge has been developed on the basis of recent research which found that despite 74% of vet-visiting pet owners believing in the value of preventative healthcare, more than half of active pet owners currently don’t see the vet as their primary source of information regarding pet health. Furthermore, those pet owners that fail to return for an annual preventative health consultation often cited their pet being healthy as the main reason.

The new scheme focuses on driving client compliance and footfall by developing the partnership between the vet and pet owner. MSD says it takes a more holistic approach to the relationship, focusing on the vet practice as the primary source of advice and information on all aspects of pet healthcare and wellbeing, whether the pet is healthy or sick.

Practices that register with their MSD Animal Health account manager will receive a toolkit to support their whole team in positioning the practice as a centre for expertise on preventative healthcare and wellbeing. 

Caroline Darouj, Nobivac Brand Manager at MSD Animal Health said: :This Challenge is a step-change in terms of our work with vets and support for the practice-pet owner partnership. We are focusing on encouraging communications that highlight the value of the preventative healthcare visit going beyond the obvious benefits of vaccination and parasite control. 

"We have recently heard in the news how by just having a conversation about obesity medical practitioners can be an effective catalyst for positive change with patients. It is our belief that changing the conversation and focusing on preventative health has the potential to create positive outcomes in pet health and wellbeing, as well as owner satisfaction and business outcomes."

MSD says the challenge goes beyond the important and widely recognised aspects of preventative healthcare such as vaccination, worming and ectoparasite control to embrace five principal wellbeing needs around care and companionship, feeding, the pet’s environmental, behavioural and preventative health needs. The toolkit will aim to increase the pet owner’s understanding of the value and benefit of annual preventative healthcare visits and develop the level of client engagement with practice staff.

Practices interested in further details should contact their MSD Animal Health Account Manager or call MSD Animal Health on +44 (0) 1908 685 556.

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