MSD has launched Bovilis Nasalgen-C, an intranasal live bovine coronavirus (BCoV) vaccine, in the UK.

Bovilis Nasalgen-C can be used for the active immunisation of calves from the day of birth onwards to reduce clinical signs of upper respiratory tract disease and nasal viral shedding from infection with BCoV. 

MSD says respiratory disease in UK calves is widespread and comes at a high cost from an emotional and business productivity perspective.

It is also continually highlighted as a critical area for overuse of antibiotics.

Despite all this, there is an under use of vaccination in the UK cattle sector1.

Speaking at BCVA last week, Paul Burr MRCVS, director of Biobest Laboratories said:  “Recent UK studies show bovine coronavirus being the most prevalent virus found in routine disease screening and nasal swab samples taken during a bovine respiratory disease outbreak.

"BCoV was found in 39% of over 400 nasal swab samples taken between 2020 and 2022 from BRD affected cattle on UK farms2.”

Kat Baxter-Smith, veterinary adviser with MSD Animal Health, said: “Whilst the pathogenicity of BCoV within the BRD complex remains an unknown quantity, its ubiquitous presence in the UK cattle population – and the recent human experience of coronavirus as a significant respiratory pathogen – suggests a need for a re-evaluation of BRD control by vets and farmers.

“Just as coronavirus is a pathogen associated with the common cold and Covid-19, BCoV is a proven pathogen that directly impacts the calf respiratory tract.

"Consequently, the availability of this new BRD vaccine presents veterinary professionals with another tool in their armoury to improve control of this costly disease.

“If diagnostics suggest BCoV is implicated in any BRD problem, the availability of Bovilis Nasalgen-C allows UK cattle farmers to effectively administer protection for young calves via a single 2ml intranasal dose that can quickly reach the site of action.

"This will support the development of immunity against BCoV early in life, the onset of which starts five days after administration and has a 12-week duration.”

Bovilis Nasalgen-C comes can be used on the same day with Bovilis INtranasal RSPÔ Live, which offers protection against both Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) and Parainfluenza-3 Virus (Pi3).

Bovilis Nasalgen-C can be stored for up to 24 hours at room temperature after reconstitution, can be given to cattle using a syringe or applicator device and is available in one, five and 20 dose packs, suitable for both small and large herds.


  1. MSD Animal Health. Penetration rate calculated October 2017, using Kynetec data and Defra Statistics (2017).
  2. Nasal swab PCR samples from 407 farmers submitted to Biobest (2020-2022). 

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