Hot on the heels of Vets Now and the BVA, Linnaeus has launched new resources to support the 5000-odd members of its workforce that will going through the menopause.

The resources comprise guidance materials, a health and wellbeing assessment, associate case studies, links to external support and information posters.

The company is also piloting a mindfulness app called Headspace, which is now freely available to everyone at Linnaeus, whether they are experiencing the menopause or have other needs.

Saskia Connell, People and Organisation Director at Linnaeus, said: “Menopause is a stage of life that is unique for everyone who experiences it – and can also affect the people around them.

"For those experiencing the menopause, sadly 45% say they feel their symptoms have had a negative impact on their work, according to the British Menopause Society.

"As an employer, we need to make sure they have our full support and a flourishing career.

One of Linnaeus' practices, Park Vet Group, has taken things a step further and introduced other wellbeing initiatives to support its associates with the menopause.

The practice offers confidential support to all associates who want to talk about any health concerns, plus open sessions to establish conversations about menopause.

Its team, led by Practice Manager Harriet Tims (pictured right), also introduced yellow 'Just to Make you Smile' toiletry bags containing sanitary products, tissues, hygiene wipes, deodorant spray and face wipes.

Anyone at Park can help themselves to the bags, or add products should they wish. 

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