The organisers of the VET Festival (20-21 May 2022, Loseley Park) have published the results of research they carried out with the Veterinary Management Group which seem to show tentative signs of improvement in the wellbeing of veterinary professionals, despite some areas which still give significant cause for concern.

400 people took part in the research, of which 76% described their mental health as ‘reasonable’ or ‘very good’, while almost three quarters 71% said there was someone at work they could talk to about their mental health and 80% knew where to access information and support.

This compared to 2019, when only 50% had even recognised veterinary wellbeing as an issue. 

So far so good.

However, on the flip side, 60% felt that their work/life balance was not right and 82% were worried about their financial situation.

As is well known, the pandemic placed further strain on veterinary professionals: 78% of respondents said their workload had increased since it struck, and  44% said they were working longer hours.

What's more, 63% felt that that changes in working practices introduced during the pandemic had not been beneficial to their mental health.

The survey results showed a number of interesting variations depending on the respondent's time in the profession and their role. 

For example, people who've been in the profession for more than ten years appeared to be more resilient than those who've been in the profession for six years or less, with 66% of the older hands saying the pandemic had had an impact on their mental heath, compared to 71% of the younger respondents. 

The older crowd also reported being more aware of where to access support and information (89% vs 71%) but feel they have fewer people they can talk to at work (68% vs 76%).

Interestingly, nurses felt they had more people they can talk to at work (76% vs 62% of vets)

The organisers say that overall, the research suggests that the veterinary profession is more aware of the pressures on veterinary teams and is taking some steps to mitigate it and support staff better. 

97% said they felt supported by their colleagues, 75% said they felt that their practice had strong leaders and managers and 90% said that they loved their job. 

50% said their practice offers online resources to support wellbeing at work, 41% offer counselling and 40% offer flexible working. 

When asked what more could be done to improve their wellbeing at work, simple solutions such as taking a lunch break, having a pleasant room at work in which they could relax and receiving recognition for hard work were the most commonly proposed.  

VET Festival will be offering a Wellness Hub, supported by MWI Animal Health, in which a range of practical activities will be offered to support delegates in improving their day-to-day wellbeing, with representatives of Vetlife also on hand to offer advice and support.  

Tickets for VET Festival can be bought here:

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.