Ceva Animal Health has announced that Ketofen (ketoprofen), its NSAID for livestock and horses, is now presented in CLAS (Ceva Layered Anti Shatter) vials.

Ceva says CLAS vials are proven to be easy to use, practical and eco-friendly and are preferred by 99% of farmers on farm1.  They have 33% less impact on the environment from cradle to grave than glass2 and are robust and shock resistant3 for fewer breakages and losses. They are made from a lightweight material to make the vials easier to be transported and handled4 and have an ergonomic ‘grip groove’ for easier handing5.

Peter Keyte, ruminant business unit manager at Ceva Animal Health said: "Ceva’s CLAS vials are hugely popular with both vets and farmers due to their practicality, ease of use and environmental credentials. 

“We are therefore delighted that Ketofen has joined the extensive range of livestock injectables available in CLAS.”

For further information contact your local Ceva territory manager, call Ceva on 01494 781510 or email cevauk@ceva.com.


  1. Usage survey conducted on 540 farmers in France (2012)
  2. Jacquet C. et al. Comparative life cycle analysis, final report with critical review, CLAS packaging system and traditional glass packaging system. 2016, APESA 0393 Impact 2002 p33, fig.21 p36. 
  3. Cavaroc P. J. et al. – Comparative breakage study of injectable anti-infectives vials under vertical drop test by free fall under standardized conditions. IPVS Congress, 2012, 100
  4. CLAS vials reference book (2012). Section 5.4: Comparison of the weight of CLAS vials vs. glass vials showing that CLAS vials are 6 X lighter than glass vials of the same size. P19
  5. CLAS vials reference book (2012). Section 5.2: Artis Factis and Ceva developed hand zone ergonomic study (2003). P 16

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