Janssen Animal Health has made what I am told is a 'very large' donation of Ripercol, a pour-on 20% levamisole w/v broad spectrum anthelminitic for cattle, effective against gastro intestinal nematodes and lungworm, to the Worldwide Veterinary Service (WVS) – a UK registered charity (No.1100485) committed to improving the treatment and welfare of all animal species throughout the world.

Nigel Underwood, Livestock Marketing Manager at Janssen said: 'We are very pleased to be able to help improve the health of animals in the developing countries and in turn to help those people who need it most. I’d encourage other pharmaceutical companies and practices to support WVS whenever they can, as they do a fantastic job.'

Annie Cook, WVS Director of Veterinary Operations said: 'So far this year we have been able to help over 64 associated charities with nearly £73,000 worth of donated items. This incredibly generous donation of Ripercol from Janssen Animal Health will allow us to provide production animal welfare charities in India, East Africa and South America with a much needed resource'.

WVS is currently arranging a Disaster Emergency Response team of veterinary professionals to visit the Internally Displaced People Camps in Kenya created following the election violence. Luke Gamble, WVS Chief Executive Officer, who will be coordinating the team said: 'The high concentration of animals in these camps combined with poor sanitation will promote the spread of disease between animals and is also a public health concern. Simply deworming these animals will improve their productivity and survival, which is vitally important as they are an essential resource to the people in the camps.'

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.