Vet Stuart Thorne from Fellowes Farm Equine Clinic in Abbots Ripton has praised the work of the charity-run National Foaling Bank after it helped save the life of an orphan three day old filly foal.

Stuart had been called to attend a mare, Cushy, owned by Juliet Riley from Raunds, Northants, who had gone into premature labour on 8 May 2008 and whose foal was subsequently stillborn. This was the third foal lost by the mare and the stillbirth had left her in a highly traumatised state.

On advice from Stuart, the owner contacted the National Foaling Bank, which was able to tell them that a foal had been orphaned in nearby Uttoxter just three days before. The foal, Pandora, was brought to the mare by her owner and staff attempted to facilitate a bond between the two by covering the foal with the skin of the natural foal.

Unfortunately the mare was too agitated to accept the foal initially so Stuart (pictured right with Juliet, Cushy and Pandora) sedated her which enabled the foal to start feeding. Once this had happened, the mare accepted the foal and both mother and baby are now doing well.

Stuart said: "These situations are often very difficult and highly emotional for the owners of both the mare and foal. However, thanks to the vital role played by the National Foaling Bank this case has had a very happy outcome. The organisation is a charity and desperately needs support from all involved in the equestrian sector. On this occasion, as on many others, it made the difference between life and death".

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