Lohmann Animal Health has launched AviPro IBD Xtreme vaccine against Infectious Bursal Disease — also known as Gumboro Disease — in broilers, commercial layers and breeders.

According to Lohmannn, it is highly effective against the vvIBDV (very virulent IBD virus), it breaks through high levels of maternal antibodies, and controls mortality with no loss of flock performance.

Since the 1980s the acute form of IBD has caused significant economic loss to the poultry industries in several countries. The vvIBDV, a more aggressive form first described in Europe in 1986, is now widespread throughout the world and can cause losses of 30-60 per cent in layers and 5-25 per cent in broilers.

Chicks are most susceptible between one and six weeks. Early in their lives they are protected by maternally-derived antibodies (MDAs), but these antibodies will neutralise live IBD vaccines when they are given too early. However, being highly invasive, the AviPro IBD Xtreme vaccine is able to overcome these MDAs so can be given earlier to provide greater protection from an early age.

Exact timing of vaccination depends primarily on the level of MDAs and the breakthrough titre of the vaccine on the one hand, and the virulence of the field virus and infection pressure on the other.

When compared with four of its main competitors in a trial with SPF birds AviPro IBD Xtreme outperformed them. It had the highest number of sero-positive birds, the highest mean ELISA-antibody titre seven days after vaccination and the best protection against clinical symptoms and mortality after a challenge with vvIBDV,” commented Brigitte Othmar, regulatory affairs manager at LAH.

“With the addition of AviPro IBD Xtreme, Lohmann Animal Health has now completed its range of live IBD vaccines and is able to provide its customers with the appropriate solution for any Gumboro problem,” she added.

AviPro IBD Xtreme can be applied via the drinking water or eye-drop and is presented in vials of 1,000 and 2,500 doses.

More information on this vaccine can be found on the Lohmann Animal Health website http://www.lah.de/.

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