Most of you will be aware that IP8 was declared yesterday. This is a farm in the POZ that was slaughtered on suspicion after detection during surveillance visits. This has lead to further slight changes in the boundaries of the PZ and SZ. These were early lesions and initial laboratory results confirm this.

The epidemiology of the spread of FMD in the area north of Egham suggests that cattle on 4 premises in the vicinity of IP8 have been exposed to infection either via possible aerosol or fomite spread and are likely to develop disease. These premises will be culled as dangerous contacts.

The various zones for controlling Bluetongue have now been defined. These are difficult to describe because they use roads etc. as boundaries but detailed maps and description of the boundaries are available at:

When farms straddle a road that is a boundary the whole of the farm is classed as being in the zone. It may be possible to put parts of a holding that is outside the zone as a separate unit with consultation with local Animal Health office.

The movement restrictions between the various FMD and BT zones are available at

Defra are worried that farmers are not reporting cases of BT because they feel there is nothing that can be done so why bother. It is still a notifiable disease and there is a need to monitor spread for various trade implications. There are, of course, likely to be welfare considerations with clinically affected cases. These will need to be addressed with veterinary consultation and may involve symptomatic treatment or euthanasia.

The prevalence of the disease in infected herds/flocks is still low with 1:53 and 1:190 being affected on surveillance.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.