There is no change is situation of FMD we still have 7 IPs. The temporary control zone near Maidenhead, Berkshire should be lifted shortly.

Movements between the low risks and the risk areas are allowed using licence 450 but once the animal has entered risk area they cannot leave and become subject to the movement restrictions of the risk area.

A fifth cow has proved positive on clinical signs on a new farm in the Ipswich area, however, it is still not possible to show spread within the country. The OIE is to be notified that cases of Bluetongue are occurring but there is still no evidence of transmission from animal to animal through vectors.

Four of the five animals with BT have been diagnosed on classical clinical signs as outlined in various articles.

For completeness all the signs have been in cattle and include:

  • Mild pyrexia
  • Depressed appetite
  • General stiffness
  • Painful reddened coronary bands
  • Pitting oedema on head/neck particularly submandibular
  • Hyperaemic planum nasale, nasal mucosae and vulva
  • White mucopurulent nasal discharge
  • Red erosions with fibrin tags at mucocutaneous junctions (not vessicles)
  • Reddened painful teats
  • Sluggish capillary refill time

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