As expected Defra have lifted the surveillance zone in Surrey. The country is now split into three zones for FMD.

1) The FMD Tree Export Area which is the majority of the country and from which exports of meat is allowed subject to the normal rules.

2) FMD restricted export area where the previous restrictions on exports still apply.

3) FMD no export area. From which no meat exports can be made.

These areas are shown on a map at:

There has been a relaxation of some of the movement restrictions in the restricted zone including:

1) Movement of susceptible animals within the zone.
2) Movement of susceptible animals in to the zone.
3) Movements can transit the zone.
4) Removal of restrictions on fallen stock and slaughter house waste.
5) Resumption of sheep shearing etc.

Licences are still available for movement of animals out of the zone for slaughter and to premises within 3km of the zone. (This gives these premises the same status as being in the zone). Other moves may be licensed depending on welfare needs.

Further Surveillance is being carried out to confirm freedom of disease for the EU and hopefully will allow live animal exports etc to commence. A number of herds and flocks will be selected for surveillance bleeding up to 150 km from Surrey.

The total of infected premises now stands at 61. The rate of new cases appears to be slowing down with only 1 case in 5 days. But there is still a need to keep reporting suspect cases to Defra. Ongoing surveillance will be needed to give a true picture of the spread of the disease within the country and then to allow the development of a vaccine strategy for when a vaccine becomes available.

The change in the EU directive has now come into force with the CZ now being called a protection zone and the PZ being called a surveillance zone.

Defra have now re-licensed the Merial vaccine facility at Pirbright and so the production of a BTV8 vaccine can now occur at the plant once development is complete.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.