Dechra Veterinary Products has just concluded a new palatability study which showed that Equipalazone Powder has equal or superior palatability when compared to a suxibuzone based product and a non-microencapsulated phenylbutazone product.

During the 18 horse, 3-period, 3-treatment crossover study, the products were top-dressed onto the horse’s grain ration and palatability was assessed subjectively and by measuring the total grain consumed.

The study showed that when measuring the total grain consumed there was no statistically significant difference in consumption between Equipalazone and the suxibuzone based product. However, there was a lower percentage of grain consumed when it was top-dressed with the non- microencapsulated phenylbutazone product. This difference was statistically significant.

These outcomes were replicated during the subjective assessment.

Giles Coley, Managing Director said "We were delighted, but not surprised by the results. They simply support the conclusion that the palatability of Equipalazone has contributed it to being the equine NSAID of choice for over 35 years."

He added: "There is often a lot of misunderstandings about the palatability of phenylbutazone and its various presentations, we hope that this study puts it all in perspective."

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