Dechra Veterinary Products is offering vets free Identichips® worth £100 when they order Equipalazone® Powder 100s.

The European Union (EU) has now approved regulations that any equine foal born after July 1 2009 should be micro-chipped, and Defra is currently consulting with equine industry professionals about the best method of implementation.

The combination of a micro-chip and horse passport provides a reliable method of identification and also a medical record.

Larry King, Dechra's equine product manager said: "We want to make it easier for vets to offer clients the best method of identification and in turn, make it difficult for horses treated with veterinary medicines to enter the human food chain.

"We are pleased to support the micro-chipping initiative and the Equine Passport Scheme with our Identichips offer and an owner leaflet about passports to promote responsible horse ownership. They will both help prevent important products like Equipalazone from inadvertently entering the food chain.

He added: "We stand to lose up to 70 per cent of veterinary medicines if the industry and horse owners don't comply with EU legislation of horse passports and micro-chipping for every equine".

The owner leaflet outlines the importance and benefits of the Equine Passport Scheme and is being inserted into every box of Equipalazone Powder 100s. Further copies are available from Dechra Veterinary Products for practices to distribute to their clients.

Practices can claim their free Identichips by ordering boxes of Equipalazone Powder 100s from Rachel Horton at Dechra Veterinary Products on 01743 452 847 before August 31 2008.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.