Dechra Veterinary Products - maker of Zycortal - has teamed up with some of Europe’s leading endocrinologists to draw up 'Five Golden Rules', a set of guidelines designed to help veterinary professionals who are diagnosing and treating canine hypoadrenocorticism.Dechra Veterinary Products - maker of Zycortal - has teamed up with some of Europe’s leading endocrinologists to draw up 'Five Golden Rules', a set of guidelines designed to help veterinary professionals who are diagnosing and treating canine hypoadrenocorticism.

Addison’s disease is caused by a reduction in corticosteroid secretion from the adrenal glands. Symptoms can include lack of appetite, tremors or vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, low heart rate, muscle weakness, low body temperature and collapse. If left untreated, Addison’s disease can present as an acute, life-threatening emergency.

Zycortal is the only European licensed treatment for the disease. It is a prolonged-release suspension used as replacement therapy for mineralocorticoid. Dechra says it has proved highly effective in clinical trials with more than 80% of dogs responding positively to treatment1.

The golden rules are available at:

Dechra has also produced a series of six video presentations to help veterinary surgeons in their diagnosis and treatment and created a dedicated owner website - - to help owners understand the condition and monitor their pet's progress.

Dechra Brand Manager Craig Sankey said: "Addison’s can be a hidden disease but Zycortal presents a very visible answer. With the wealth of expertise from the endocrinologists, the Five Golden Rules should be an important reference tool for vets.

"We hope that the series of resources we have produced, used in partnership with Zycortal, will make the diagnosis, treatment and management of dogs with Addison’s an easier journey for both vets and owner."


  1. CVMP Assessment report for Zycortal (EMEA/V/C/003782/0000) 2015 pg. 19

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