CPD solutions has expanded the annual number of online training programmes available through its Keysteps Online service from 12 to 20.

You can choose from programmes by specialist speakers in key areas of small animal medicine, surgery and imaging. After updating and expanding your knowledge with the video programme, you can test your understanding with a self assessment quiz and carry out further study with specific notes and online resources. And of course, the format allows you to carry out CPD whenever and wherever you want.

CPD Solutions’ Managing Director Susie Coughlan explains ‘Subscribers have requested more programmes so that they can complete all of their CPD on the site every year and also so that they have a library of videos to watch when a relevant patient comes into their consulting room. We’ve responded by increasing the number of new videos available and also including a wide range of subject areas.’

Other features of the Keysteps Online service include a secure CPD diary that automatically logs CPD completed and the option to learn in small or large chunks of time as access to the site for subscribers is unlimited.

In to the training programmes, there is a bank of over 70 hours of CPD currently on the site.

For a free 14 day trial, visit http://www.keysteps.net/.

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