The Company of Animals has announced the launch of the CLIX® Car Safe Harness. Designed by Animal Psychologist and founder of The Company of Animals, Dr. Roger Mugford, the CLIX® Car Safe harness has been designed to maximise safety and comfort for dogs while ensuring easy fitting and use for owners.

Ergonomically designed from one continuous loop of approved, safety-standard seatbelt material, the CLIX ® Car Safe Harness provides maximum strength restraint in the unfortunate case of an accident.  With a simple buckling mechanism, there is no need to fiddle around with the dog's legs to get them through the harness. Instead, the harness clips from either side of the dog and then plugs into the seat belt socket. Alternatively, it can be looped through the seat belt harness, easily adjusting to any type of car.

The CLIX ® Car Safe Harness has been lined with soft neoprene padding at all points of contact for maximum comfort and safety. Special attention has been paid to the cross design used to protect the dog's chest to ensure that the harness remains in place, even when the dog changes position.

CLIX® Car Safe Harness is available in four sizes and is suitable for most breeds of dog. It comes with a free guide on safe travelling with dogs full of helpful tips on car safety. The CLIX® Car Safe also doubles as a walking harness.

For more information, visit

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