Clark Dental has launched the new Nomad Handheld X-Ray machine from Aribex™.

According to the company, Nomad already has a superb track record as a practical, effective and recognised state-of-the-art device. It boasts a multitude of benefits and features and is suitable for many different environments. Two rechargeable batteries provide 150 exposures each, and it’s compatible with both digital sensors and traditional X-ray film.

The operator is protected by a patented internal radiation shield as well as an external backscatter shield, which the company says provides excellent protection: one operator would have to expose over 10,000 E-speed films per year in order to approach the lowest measurable dose on a monitoring badge. With a direct digital sensor, the scatter dose is even less.

For further information, please contact the exclusive UK supplier, Clark Dental, on Tel: 01270 613750 or email


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