Defra's Chief Veterinary Officer's annual report was published this week, reviewing developments in animal health and welfare during 2007.

The report, by former Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) Fred Landeg, summarises progress and developments in the field of animal health and welfare within Great Britain. It also provides a continuous statistical record of the state of animal disease in Great Britain.

Topics covered in the 2007 report include the outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease, Avian Flu and Bluetongue, and progress on the UK's Responsibility and Cost Sharing Programme.

Other major areas covered in the report are:

  • Building our Emergency Response Capability
  • Announcing the purchase of Bluetongue vaccine
  • Facilitation of exports following outbreaks of exotic disease
  • Bovine TB, pre-movement testing extended to younger cattle and the final report of the Independent Scientific group on Cattle TB published
  • New EU Directive laying down welfare rules for meat chickens
  • Animal Welfare Delivery Strategy published
  • Surveillance reports during 2007
  • Cases of BSE and Scrapie continue to decrease

A copy of the full report can be found at http://defraweb/animalh/cvo/report.htm

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