Ceva Animal Health has launched a marketing support pack to help vets raise awareness of pheromones as a solution to firework fears in cats and dogs.

The pack highlights the benefits of Adaptil and Feliway and Ceva’s ThunderShirt range of calming wraps.

It contains a wall/notice board display, a poster, an e-book and leaflet for owners, and a social media toolkit with graphics and pre-written posts for practices to use on their own social media channels.

The company is also running its fireworks waiting room display competition this month, in which the five veterinary practices who make best use of the materials for creating a display in their waiting room will win one of five £100 Love 2 Shop vouchers.

There are bonus points for practices that build a den in the waiting room to demonstrate the benefits of having a safe haven for dogs to retreat to when fireworks are going off.  

Veterinary professionals can post pictures of the dens and waiting room displays on the Adaptil Facebook page throughout October - www.facebook.com/AdaptilForDogs. 

Ceva is running commercial offers in the run up to the firework season, which practices are being encouraged to pass to their clients.

To download the fireworks marketing support pack go to http://bit.ly/3RxGLza. 

For further information, contact your Ceva territory manager or email cevauk@ceva.com.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.