The BVA and its specialist divisions are wishing colleagues from across Europe a Happy New Year with a message emphasising that they are valued and invaluable to the veterinary profession.The BVA and its specialist divisions are wishing colleagues from across Europe a Happy New Year with a message emphasising that they are valued and invaluable to the veterinary profession.

"The undersigned veterinary organisations would like to extend New Year’s greetings to all our colleagues in the languages of the EU. We would like to send a message in 2017 that says we value all our colleagues and their invaluable contribution across the UK, wherever they come from in the world.

Happy New Year
Bonne année
šťastný Nový rok
Godt NytÅr
Gelukkig nieuwjaar
Hyvää uutta vuotta
Frohes neues Jahr 
Kali chronya 
Boldog új évet
Felice anno nuovo
Szczesliwego nowego roku
Feliz año nuevo
Chestita nova godina
Sretna Nova godina
Mutlu Yıllar
Head uut aastat
Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh
Laimīgu Jauno gadu
Laimingų Naujųjų metų
Is-sena t-tajba
Feliz Ano Novo
An Nou Fericit
Bliadhna Mhath Ùr
Srečno novo leto
Gott nytt år
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
Urte berri on
Feliç any nou
Feliz ano novo

Gudrun Ravetz, President of the British Veterinary Association, said: "My theme for my year as BVA President is the veterinary family and it has never been more important to pull together as one profession, whoever you are, and wherever you come from. We are delighted that there has been such an overwhelming response to this idea from Andrew Cobner, the President of the British Cattle Veterinary Association. Together with the RCVS, BVA has made clear to government our concerns about the working rights of our EU colleagues post-Brexit – as well as the potential impact on standards of animal health and welfare, and public health – and we will continue to do so." also wishes all its members a very Happy New Year, and in particular that it brings some common sense, clarity and certainty for those affected by Brexit.

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