Commenting on the publication yesterday (Monday) of the Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir David King’s report on Bovine TB in Cattle and Badgers BVA President Nick Blayney said: “We welcome this response to the Independent Scientific Group on Cattle TB (ISG) report, not least the conclusion that removal of badgers should take place alongside the continued application of controls on cattle.

“TB control and eradication has for too long been polarised between those that argue that either cattle or badgers are responsible. Science clearly shows that both species are significant in the spread of TB and both must be tackled if TB is to be controlled and eradicated.

“There is no doubt that specific control policies need to be tailored to reflect regional variations in disease risk and we welcome the report’s recommendations in this respect. We would commend the report to Government and would reiterate the veterinary profession’s genuine commitment to an overall TB strategy designed to successfully control TB both in cattle and in the wildlife population.”

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