BVA President Gudrun Ravetz has been on Radio 4's Today programme, doing her bit to educate the public about the health problems suffered by brachycephalic breeds.

In the piece, which starts at 1:22:54 here, Gudrun explained that what is seen as “normal” and cute for these dogs, such as snorting and snuffling, is in reality a result of debilitating respiratory problems caused by the squashed faces that have made them so fashionable.

Today also highlighted the fact that flat-faced breeds have experienced a huge boom in popularity recently, driven by celebrity owners, advertising and the media. According to the Kennel Club, the French bulldog is set to knock the labrador off its perch as the UK's most popular breed.

Following the interview Gudrun said: "We shouldn’t be buying and breeding dogs on the way we want them to look - it should always be about prioritising welfare above appearance.

"These are breeds that can suffer just by walking around or eating, which is why we’re calling on the media and advertisers to stop using them in their adverts.

"It is also difficult to turn on the TV, check Instagram or see a celebrity photo without also seeing a brachycephalic breed so it’s not surprising that demand for these dogs is rising."

Gudrun urged anyone thinking about buying a brachycephalic breed to talk to their local vet and think about choosing a healthier breed or crossbreed instead.

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