The British Veterinary Association has issued a statement telling the public to expect non-essential treatments to be delayed during the pandemic, and to respect their their vet's judgement as to what is necessary. 

Specifically, the statement explains that: 

Vets will risk assess each case and exercise their clinical and professional judgement to decide whether face-to-face treatment or care is essential or whether services could be provided remotely. These assessments will vary across the country due to local disease risks. They will also vary between clients due to individual circumstances.

On the specific issue of pet vaccinations, BVA guidance says that following a risk assessment both for animal health and welfare and with regard to Covid-19, some vaccinations could go ahead. But this does not mean that all vaccinations now have to be, or should be, carried out. Vets will risk assess each case to decide whether certain vaccinations are essential at this time.

BVA is asking all animal owners to respect their vets’ clinical and professional judgement and be patient during this time.


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