The British Veterinary Association and the British Veterinary Nursing Association have announced a new strategic alliance designed to strengthen the working relationship between the two associations whilst maintaining their individual identities.

The associations signed a memorandum of understanding to that effect at BVA Members' Day last week. 

As part of the memorandum, BVA and BVNA have agreed to identify opportunities to work together to represent the views of veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses to the media, policymakers and general public and to raise the profile of the veterinary professions and the wider veterinary team.

The two associations have also agreed to work together to deliver joint events and support each other’s members.

British Veterinary Association President, Gudrun Ravetz said: "This memorandum really captures the importance of the veterinary family, my Presidential theme, in terms of us all working together to achieve the best possible outcomes for animal health, welfare, public health and our professions.

"At community level, we could not achieve a fraction of what we do if vets and vet nurses did not pull together and, at national level, one strong veterinary voice will achieve so much more if we work in unison.

"I am delighted that BVA and BVNA have had the strategic foresight to formalise our close working relationship, with many more opportunities to come for collaboration that will best represent the voices of our members."

British Veterinary Nursing Association President Samantha Morgan said: "BVNA are very pleased to sign this agreement to formally recognise the close relationship both professions have and therefore both representative bodies have.

"This is going to be a symbiotic relationship, with both professions and representatives retaining their own unique identity but forming a single, strong voice. This is a proud milestone for BVNA, something we have worked towards and we believe this formal understanding between both of our representative bodies is a positive step in the veterinary nurse profession.”

The memorandum between BVA and BVNA is agreed for a period of three years and will be regularly reviewed during that time.

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