• Extended surveillance has now been completed and submissions are being prepared to present to the OIE to achieve international freedom in the New Year.
  • The second Export and Movement Restrictions Regulations came into force on 5thDecember, putting into place the decision reached at SCoFCAH on 20th November. Maps, information and licences regarding movement restrictions between the areas are available on the Defra website

    The majority of the country now resides in an FMD Free Export Area, which lifts the residency conditions placed upon the export of meat and products. Live animal export is still not possible. Live animal imports are now possible.

    The FMD Restricted Export Area has been reduced to the municipal districts in and around Surrey. Although exports of meat and products is now permitted, the residency requirements previously applicable in the wider area now apply here.
  • The SCoFCAH meeting held on 3rd December made decisions to relax restrictions even further, and it is hoped these arrangements will come into force next Thursday 13th  December; but this date is yet to be confirmed.

    This decision repeals the FMD Restricted Export Area and reduces the FMD Free Export Area to the districts in and around Surrey, with the appropriate change in requirements, particularly losing the residency requirement.

    The rest of the country becomes an FMD Live Export area, essentially returning trade arrangements to the pre-FMD situation. It is therefore likely that, if exporters can make suitable arrangements, inspections for live exports of calves etc may begin from next
  • Certification requirements may however be complex due to extra considerations due to the bluetongue restrictions (see below). Movement restrictions between the areas are likely to remain in place.
  • The total of infected premises now stands at 66, with the confirmation from a report case investigation initially reported last week.
  • Repeat sampling of IPs is about to be started to assess the level of transmission within the premises to help with decision to declare a Vector Free Period.

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