Bayer Animal Health - maker of Tracer Advance Slim - is limbering up for National Microchip Month in June with a call to the profession to recommend that cats are microchipped. 

It's just over a year since microchipping became compulsory for dogs and according to Defra, 95% of dogs are now chipped.

However, the PDSA PAW Report 2016 showed that only 20% of Britain's 11m cats live an indoor-only life, meaning that there are 9 million 'free-range' cats at risk of getting lost if they stray too far from home.

The PDSA report also found 91% of veterinary professionals in the UK believe microchipping should be compulsory for cats.

Bayer says that advice to dog owners this year should focus on the importance of keeping their chip registration details up to date, after a BVA survey found 44% of veterinary surgeons still cannot reunite missing or stray dogs with their owners due to incorrect chip information being stored on the databases.1

Hannah Watts, Product Manager at Bayer said: "Until microchipping becomes compulsory in cats, vets will need to play a crucial role in helping increase the number of UK cats that are microchipped. National Microchipping month provides a great opportunity for vets to raise the subject with owners and to take advantage of the increased awareness and interest in the subject throughout June. With so many dogs now microchipped, ensuring owners are aware of the need to update their details on the microchipping database is an equally important educational message for vets to convey."

Bayer says that during National Microchipping Month, it will be actively driving pet owners into veterinary practices across the country to discuss the benefits of microchipping with their veterinary surgeon.  It will also be trying to ensure pet owners understand the importance of keeping the details stored on their pet’s microchip database up to date.

To help drive home the message, Bayer has also developed a range of new marketing and support materials for practices to display throughout June. 

To order National Microchipping Month support materials, visit or speak to your Bayer Territory Manager. 


  1. BVA Voice of the Veterinary Profession survey, completed by 751 BVA members between 9 and 20 February 2017.

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