Defra has published an epidemiology report into the Avian Influenza outbreak confirmed in Oxfordshire on 4 June.
The report concludes that, at as of 11th June, the outbreak was confined to a single premises, and there is no evidence of infection in the Protection Zone or of spread to any other premises. However, investigations continue.
The report suggests that it is possible that the Highly Pathogenic H7N7 Avian influenza derived from a Low Pathogenic strain already present on the farm. Analysis and investigations are ongoing, and a number of source hypotheses are being considered.
Chief Veterinary Officer, Nigel Gibbens, said: "The UK is at a constant but low level of risk of the introduction of Avian Influenza, and the report highlights the need for flock owners and poultry vets to remain vigilant for signs of disease, including the possibility of low pathogenic Avian Influenza. I would encourage all keepers to maintain good quality records and practise high standards of biosecurity."
The Protection and Surveillance Zones remain in place. Further surveillance, testing and epidemiological work on this outbreak are ongoing.

The report can be viewed here:

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